Alpha Xi Delta’s Philanthropic Focus
The Kindly Hearts Initiative
The Kindly Hearts Initiative serves as the umbrella to our national philanthropic focus of supporting children and teens experiencing foster care or homelessness. Alpha Xi Deltas across the country support two Key Impact Organizations, FosterClub and StandUp for Kids, making a national and regional difference under the umbrella of our focus.
Letters of Love
All Alpha Xi Delta chapters and alumnae associations participate in Letters of Love, Alpha Xi Delta’s national letter writing fundraising campaign. Held annually during the month of November this campaign benefits Alpha Xi Delta’s two Key Impact Organizations, StandUp for Kids and FosterClub.
Our Chapter's Impact:
Community service is very meaningful to us. We currently have the Kindly Hearts Campaign as our philanthropic partner. We host an event for the fraternity men on campus called Football FrenXi. We hold our Football FrenXi tournament each fall with the registration fees going toward Foster Adopt Connect.
The Xi Man Competition is an event we do in the spring to help raise funds and awareness for the Kindly Hearts Initiative! We invite fraternities from our campus to join us and enter one of their finest men into a fun pageant, and it consists of three rounds, each with eliminations. It truly is an unforgettable experience, and each registration fee goes towards our philanthropy!
Another one of our favorite events is our Cookxis and Cream! This event takes place 1st semester and we raise money for the Kindly Hearts Initiative by selling tickets to our cookies and ice cream event.
Along with our philanthropy, we also enjoy participating in philanthropy to support our fellow Greek affiliations on campus. Some of these include Pike Spike, Sigma Chi Derby Days, Sigma Nu Mark Hudson Classic, Delta Chi Esta, Scorin with Sig Tau, Sig Ep Super Bowl, Lambda Chi Watermelon Bust, and the Quest for Theta Xi.
Additional Philanthropic Events
Additional events we coordinate throughout the semester may involve group and individual service project opportunities, donation drives, profit share nights at local restaurants, food fundraising events, and more! Follow us on social media to see event announcements and information.